Mozilla firefox old version 64 bit
Mozilla firefox old version 64 bit

mozilla firefox old version 64 bit

Unwanted features in the new Firefox version

  • 3 I still want to downgrade - where can I get the previous version?.
  • 2 Installing a previous version doesn't fix most problems.
  • 1 Unwanted features in the new Firefox version.
  • The file created is to be pasted on the desktop. To create a shortcut on the desktop, go to the file and open context menu. I recommend locking the Firefox in the launcher. Only the options and the Firefox symbol are not there. Firefox is not installed completely but it still works the way it should.
  • Open the folder and run the file 'firefox'.Ĭaution: Don't forget to stop automatic updates in Firefox.
  • If using file manager, simply extract the file using the Archive Manager(Look in the context menu). Enter this code( if using the terminal): tar -xzf 2 tar.gz2) file is kept using the terminal or using file manager. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open the terminal and copy-paste this code: sudo apt remove firefox Go to Firefox Release archive and download a suitable version for you. This is how I downgraded to Firefox 50 version from version 57. deb repacks of the latest official release versions of Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla SeaMonkey, and Mozilla Thunderbird.

    mozilla firefox old version 64 bit

    This is the home of the Ubuntuzilla project, hosts an APT repository with. Quote from ubuntuzilla official wiki page : Run following command to download firefox :Ħ4 Bit wget /projects/ubuntuzilla/files/mozilla/apt/pool/main/f/firefox-mozilla-build/firefox-mozilla-build_39.0.3-0ubuntu1_bģ2 Bit cd Downloads/ & sudo dpkg -i firefox-mozilla-build_39.0.3-0ubuntu1_bĦ4 Bit cd Downloads/ & sudo dpkg -i firefox-mozilla-build_39.0.3-0ubuntu1_b Remove firefox first : sudo apt-get purge firefox deb files, to install follow the instruction below. Sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox sudo mv /usr/bin/firefox /usr/bin/firefox_old sudo mv firefox /opt/Ĭreate symlink in order to set the new firefox as default.

    mozilla firefox old version 64 bit

    Then run following command to download firefox 50 source code, which comes as. For example we're going to install firefox 50. Via Mozilla's ftp site (kudos for for sharing the link !). You may have two choice to choose for installing method:

    Mozilla firefox old version 64 bit